本来可以再修一下继续用,但是想来还是不折腾了,直接下单MX Master 3。不得不说,手感确实还可以,办公一流,但前提是可以用Logitch Options。那么问题来了,罗技并没有出基于Linux版本的Logitch Options……
这个工具可以方便管理Unifying设备,同时具备查看设备电量、一定程度的功能定制等。比如在MX Master 3上,可以设定SmartShift的灵敏度、DPI值等。
logid可以设置Unifying鼠标的大部分按键和设置,比如DPI、SmartShift、SmartShift键、侧键以及手势键。不过由于只是映射按键,所以手势相比win和mac平台还是逊色不少。不过MX Master 3的手势键还是比较难按的,所以我折腾了一下发现不好用,就不管了。
相关设置可以在arch wiki中参考,这里贴一下自己的配置
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| devices: ( { name: "MX Master 3"; smartshift: { # true-开启间隔滚动;false-开启无阻力滚动 on: true; # 设置滚轮从SmartShift变成free-spin的速度 threshold: 30; }; hiresscroll: { # hires设定是否支持高分辨率模式,设置后会发现滚动特别快,所以设为false hires: false; # invert设定是否反转滚动 invert: false; # target设定滚路事件是否按HID++通知工作,true为HID++,false为正常模式。目前设置为true无法使用 target: false; }; dpi: 400;
buttons: ( { cid: 0xc3; action = { type: "Gestures"; gestures: ( { direction: "Up"; mode: "OnRelease"; action = { type: "Keypress"; keys: ["KEY_LEFTMETA", "KEY_D"]; }; }, { direction: "Down"; mode: "OnRelease"; action = { type: "Keypress"; keys: ["KEY_LEFTMETA", "KEY_A"]; }; }, # { # direction: "Left"; # mode: "OnRelease"; # action = # { # type: "CycleDPI"; # dpis: [50, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000, 3000, 4000]; # }; # }, { direction: "Left"; mode: "OnRelease"; action = { type: "Keypress"; keys: ["KEY_LEFTALT", "KEY_1"]; }; },
# { # direction: "Right"; # mode: "OnRelease"; # action = # { # type = "ToggleHiresScroll"; # } # }, { direction: "Right"; mode: "OnRelease"; action = { type: "Keypress"; keys: ["KEY_LEFTALT", "KEY_2"]; } }, { direction: "None" mode: "onRelease"; action = { type: "Keypress"; keys: ["KEY_LEFTMETA"]; } } ); } }, { cid: 0xc4; action = { type = "ToggleSmartshift"; }; }, { # Next tab instead of fwd in history, Comment to default behavior cid: 0x53; action = { type : "Keypress"; keys: ["KEY_FORWARD"]; }; }, { # Previous tab instead of back in history, Comment to default behavior cid: 0x56; action = { type : "Keypress"; keys: ["KEY_BACK"]; }; } ); } );